What are the healing properties of nature? Well we all know that their are limitless medicinal properties found in plants. But, what I mean is being connected on a personal level to nature . Do you ever spend time imagining yourself in a specific nature setting.. feeling yourself immersed in the the beauty... letting it heal your spirit? Can you smell the fresh crisp air? It's calling to you from the depths of your soul! You can't ignore it. You are where you belong. You are now connecting to the Earth. The peace and harmony...combine in the vast colors of the pastel sky and leaves you in deep meditation. You can feel the grass caress your feet as the wind gently brushes your face and revitalizes your lungs with a loving embrace. You are where you belong. The birds echo enchantments into your ears sending you reeling. Breath in the beauty of the rolling hills that sit at the feet of the glorious mountain range before you. The tall grass waves with the rippling breeze....
Regardless of the advanced fancy of distance, of partition from the living Earth, we people are not outsiders, we have a place here. The human mind too is Earth-conceived, the aftereffect of 4000 million years of constant advancement. The unpredictable, dynamic science from which mind rose fundamentally remains the grid, the establishing of any rational brain research. I take " ecopsychology " to mean brain research in support of the Earth. We have all caught wind of the monstrous strike on our life-emotionally supportive networks. However it has not changed our conduct aside from in rather insignificant ways. In what manner will we change our reasoning and our conduct to bring our advancements and ways of life into amicability with the organic limitations of Earthly presence? What is required? Not all the more shocking measurements definitely. Everyone definitely knows. We feel defenseless and debilitated as the technologic juggernaut moves along. Researchers caution that...